Show Classes
1. Anabantid (other than Betta Splendens)
2. Betta Splendens Male
3. Guppy
4. Goldfish/Koi
5. Platys/Variatus/Swordtails
6. AOV Livebearer
7. Cichlids 4" and Under
8. Cichlids 4"-10"
9. Cichlids 10" and over
10. Angels and Discus
11. Catfish Coryodoras, Brochis & Aspidoras
12. Suckermouth Catfish
13. AOV Catfish
14. Characins
15. Barbs
16. Knives/Eels/loaches
17. Danios, Minnows, Rasboras, Rainbows
18. Family Class - Livebearer
19. Family Class - Egglayer
20. Native Fish
21. Killiefish Old World
22. Killiefish New World
23. Any Other Variety Fish
24. Pairs Class
25. Aquatic Plant
26. Arts & Crafts
27. Aquarium Beautiful (must be a 10 gallon tank)
28. Novelty Tank (maximum 10 gallon tank)
29. Photography (prints only)
30. Amphibians & Turtles